Saturday, January 28, 2017


Defining thy beauty in words
Is as if
Collapsing in nutshell, many worlds.
This job
I have render is tough,
Seem no phrase, no adjective competent enough.

Seems no phrase, no adjective competent enough
To imitate thee , to personify thee
Not even monochrome of thy abstract character, that I see.

Thyself as complex as phases of lunar crescents
Thee may hide, but I know
You are Aphrodite's descendant.

The aura , that hue in thy eyes are unearthly
They are cupid's bow with arrows no less ecstasies and deadly.

Thy curves so distinct and protruding
As heaven's scenic landscape
One must not indulge in starring
Once caught in its glimpse its a narrow escape.

Womanhood in thee
Century old whiskey
Both rare and strong
Hard to resist, though not easy to confront that it exists

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good!! Wasn't aware that you were so good into this!
